Infrared thermographic inspection is the process of photographing the heat exchange/loss of machinery and facilities. The result is a "thermogram", an image capturing an object's thermographic properties. Because thermograms document the excessive heat radiating from an object or facility, once-invisible problems, indiscernible but dangerous trends, and unsafe conditions become readily apparent.
Detect and correct operational abnormalities and problems when they're still small before they cause a large loss of time and money, or even human life.
Electrical equipment normally produces some heat. As a component begins to fail or a connection corrodes or vibrates loose, electrical resistance increases; components heat up. Any excess heat is detrimental. In the worst case, it leads to fire. At a minimum, it increases operating costs, because a portion of the electricity consumed is being converted into useless, harmful heat. Increased operating costs are only one concern. More significantly, increasing heat threatens system components. For example, heat buildup in an electric motor not only indicates a problem, but also accelerates general failure of the motor. This is a situation where the noninvasive inspection of infrared thermography is really beneficial. A thermogram can quickly identify the heat buildup - perhaps in this case a single worn bearing - before it causes the failure of other, more costly components nearby, or leads to fire.
Our cost-effective approach offers these important advantages:
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Since 1957, our customers have depended on us for installation, maintenance, and repair of all types of commercial and industrial electrical equipment. Now we're also your single source for thermographic inspection and follow-up. We know which images to capture, and how to analyze and interpret them. Most importantly, we'll follow our expert inspection with expert repair. Come to Electrex Industrial Solutions, your single source for industrial, commercial, and institutional infrared thermographic inspection.